Announcing 2024 HEAD COACH - Brooke Hastings!

Katie Taylor

Pirate Ladies and Gentlemen!  The Parent Board is THRILLED to welcome our new Head Coach.... Brooke Hastings.  A few of our older swimmers may know Brooke.  She is an assistant swim coach and teacher at Tates Creek High School.  Brooke has written a short introduction below.  Ahoy Brooke... welcome aboard! 


Hi Pirates! My name is Brooke Hastings, and I am the new Pinnacle Pirates head coach! While I’m not a lifelong Pirate like some of the other coaches, and I’m likely a new face to most of you, I am so excited to be joining this team and have big plans for this swim season. I swam for Boyle County through middle and high school, as well as Bluegrass Marlins and Lexington Dolphins. I have been the assistant swim coach at Tates Creek High School for 3 years now, and I was previously the assistant coach at Danville Country Club. I’m really looking forward to this summer and I can’t wait to get to know all of you! My goal is to make this the best summer yet for the Pinnacle Pirates!